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Syntax Quiz

Question 1: What is the scansion of line 677?





Question 2: Is the caesura proper?



Question 3: What is the case/case use of sermō in line 679?

 A Genitive/Objective

 B Nominative/Subject 

 C Ablative/Place from which

 D Ablative/Means

Question 4: Why is futūrīs in the subjunctive in line 684?

 A Past contrafactual

 B Indirect command

 C Result clause

 D Purpose clause 

Question 5: Where is the temple of Cybele hidden?

 A A forest 

 B A cave

 C A lake

 D An island

Question 6: Parse trānsībant in line 688.

Question 7: What meaning does the repetition of nec in lines 682-683 add to the story?

Question 8: What is the case/case use onūmine in line 690?

 A Ablative/Means

 B Ablative/Object of preposition 

 C Ablative/Place from which

 D Ablative/Manner

Question 9: Parse verruntur in line 701.

Question 10: How would you translate timendus in line 703?

 A Which is to be feared 

 B Fearing 

 C Having been feared

 D To fear

Question 11: What characteristic of women does Venus not like? Give evidence.


1 A

2 No

3 B 

4 D

5 A

6 third-person plural imperfect active indicative

7 Displays her anger and passion

8 B

9 third-person plural present passive indicative

10 A

11 Uncivilized. genus ferārum.

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